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National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships

Next Conference: 2026

Engaging Communities

Expanding Alliances & Advancing Equity

The National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships (NCICP), formerly known as the National Conference on Immunization and Health Coalitions, is the only conference solely dedicated to collaboration and partnership as a way to improve immunization uptake, educate our communities, and prevent the spread of disease. The conference is an engine to improve immunizations and public health issues by sharing successful strategies that strengthen the work our coalitions and partnerships do.

The National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships is biennial and the next conference will be planned for 2026.

Join the National Network of Immunization Coalitions for email notifications about the conference.

Conference Archives

The National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships is biennial. Please visit the National Network of Immunization Coalitions to learn more about joining the network and getting the Network News email newsletter for conference announcements and updates.

Past Conference Speakers

Past speakers have included an array of immunization partners and coalitions from throughout the United States. The next call for abstracts will be put out in 2025, for the next conference planned for 2026.

NCICP Program

The NCICP program has focused on engaging communities, expanding alliances, and advancing equity since 2020. See the archives to browse sessions from previous conferences. The next conference program and schedule will be announced in 2025 for the conference in 2026.

The conference is built around three tracks:

Growing & Sustaining Coalitions

During COVID-19, many coalitions received additional federal or state funds for vaccine activities and nearly every community saw new groups willing to help increase vaccine confidence and access. As we move out of the immediate pandemic, how can coalitions maintain their funding, expand their partnerships, and keep new partners at the table? NCICP is welcoming abstracts on these and other topics that will ensure the sustainability of immunization coalitions for years to come.

Advocacy for All

Vaccines have long enjoyed bipartisan, bicameral support. In recent years, however, universal political support for vaccines has declined, particularly among the states. The U.S. is at a critical juncture in which federal and state policy could make or break better access to, and confidence in, vaccinations. NCICP is welcoming abstracts on the policies and advocacy efforts necessary to ensure everyone in the U.S. has the ability to remain safe from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Innovation: New Partnerships & Strategies

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an unprecedented level of research on which messages and messengers increase a person’s intent to vaccinate. Unfortunately, the politicization of the pandemic also lead to an increase in those who are staunchly opposed to vaccination. NCICP is welcoming abstracts that address vaccine hesitancy, confidence, and the wide spectrum of communication needs in between, with a particular interest in topics that address the effectiveness of trusted messengers and channels.

Showcase your organization and commitment to community health by participating as a sponsor of the National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships. We will have a sponsorship package posted in 2025 for the next conference in 2026.

Please feel free to contact us and express your interest for supporting the conference in 2026.

National and local organizations have sponsored previous NCICP conferences and we look forward to your support.

Join the National Network of Immunization Coalitions for information about the next conference through the Network News.