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Dan Kidder

NCICP Speaker

Daniel Kidder serves as CDC’s Chief Evaluation Officer and is the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Lead in the Performance and Evaluation Office (PEO). He works across CDC and with other federal agencies to improve program monitoring and evaluation capacity and the use of findings for program improvement. Dr. Kidder has experience with a range of evaluation activities such as logic modeling, survey design, indicator development, developing and conducting evaluation trainings, and developing and implementing guidelines/recommendations.

Prior to joining PEO, he worked for over 10 years on domestic and international HIV prevention at CDC, most recently in the Division of Global HIV and TB, where his activities included designing, implementing, and evaluating longitudinal HIV prevention interventions in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as providing technical assistance to country Ministries of Health and in-country partners. He has also conducted longitudinal HIV prevention research domestically with marginalized populations (e.g., homeless persons living with HIV, drug users).

Before coming to CDC Dan was a project manager at Macro International (now ICF) where he conducted research, monitoring, and evaluation projects across various CDC Centers. He got his start in public health during his post doc, which was a joint appointment with Georgia State and Emory Universities. Dan oversees, and is a member of, the CDC Facilitator Cadre and has facilitated over 50 meetings, including meetings internal to CDC and those with external partners, during the past 15 years.

He received his Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the Georgia Institute of Technology, his M.S. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Georgia, and his B.S. in Psychology from the University of Florida.