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North Saunders

NCICP Speaker

Northe Saunders has almost two decades of experience in advocacy leadership, grassroots organizing, and political fundraising. He has worked at the local, state, and national levels for political campaigns, candidates, and advocacy organizations. As the Executive Director of SAFE Communities Coalition and Action Fund, he has been instrumental in building the nation’s first pro-vaccine political advocacy organization into a powerful force for strong public health policy.

In just over three years, SAFE has established nine Families for Vaccines state chapters and is the leading resource for pro-vaccine advocacy. The organization monitors and tracks the anti-vaccine movement, counters its state legislative efforts, and develops coordinated state strategies from top to bottom. They have built a groundswell of grassroots advocacy in statehouses across the country.

As a father of three and with a partner who is a practicing pediatrician, Northe is deeply committed to pro-vaccine policy outcomes. He knows that we must invest in like-minded advocates and continue building the pro-vaccine movement in every state.